All dogs over 6-months of age are required to be licensed (or as soon as reasonably possible after you
become the dog's owner). A registered service dog is also required to be registered with the Village Office. To register your dog, complete the Application for Dog License Form below and pay the applicable fee at the office.
Every dog must have a collar to which the valid license tag is attached whenever the dog is
off the premises of the owner.
Every household is limited to a maximum of 3 dogs.
must be under the control of their owner, either by being kept on the
property by a fence or lead, or by being on a leash (no more than 6.5 feet in length) or harness. Dogs at
the off leash dog park still need to be able to be accompanied by their
owner, and capable of being leashed if they become a nuisance.
owners must not allow their dog to defecate on public property, or
another person's private property, or else must clean up after their
dogs immediately. Dog owners must also not allow pet feces to accumulate
on their own property to the point where they are deemed a health
Dogs should not be permitted to bark or howl excessively,
so that they create a nuisance for neighbors.
Dog owners are responsible for ensuring their dog does not bite, attack, or injure other people or pets.
An owner of an intact female dog shall keep said dog indoors at times
during the period the dog is in heat.
Familiarize yourself with the Animal Control Bylaw .