100 foot wide right-of-way along the shoreline, originally the old
railbed right-of-way, is defined by legal survey to be public reserve,
and is designated in accordance to the The Planning and Development Act
to be maintained in as near a natural state as possible. Except as
provided in an exemption, no construction, of structures of any kind or
alteration of the natural vegetation or topography within the public
reserve is allowed. A landowner whose property abuts the public reserve
may request a three-foot-wide access from their property to the public
reserve pending approval from the Village and prior inspection by Public
Works to ensure that drainage or any other topographical feature will
not be adversely affected. Any request for exemption must be carried
out in writing on Form A which is attached to The Walking Path Bylaw No. 3/14.
landscaping, clear cutting, structures or construction of any kind
withing the public reserve in existence prior to December 22, 2010 will
be deemed to be grandfathered. If a structure or building deemed to be
grandfathered becomes derelict or unsafe and must be demolished, no new
structure or building may be constructed in its place.
The Walking Path Bylaw No. 3/14