Emergency Kits
In an emergency, you will need some basic supplies. You may need
to get by without power or tap water. Be prepared to be self-sufficient
for at least 72 hours.
You may have some of the items already, such as food, water and a
battery operated or wind-up flashlight. The key is to make sure they are
organized and easy to find. Would you be able to find your flashlight
in the dark? Make sure your kit is easy to carry and everyone in the
household knows where it is. Keep it in a backpack, duffle bag or
suitcase with wheels, in an easy-to-reach, accessible place, such as
your front-hall closet. If you have many people in your household, your
emergency kit could get heavy.
It's a good idea to separate some of these supplies in backpacks.
That way, your kit will be more portable and each person can personalize
his or her own grab-and-go emergency kit.
Preparing a Family Emergency Kit
It's your responsibility to start gathering supplies and start
thinking about what your family will need for at least 72 hours in an