
Receiving Your Property Tax & Utility Notices

Unless otherwise indicated, residents will receive their Village bills and notices by regular mail (Canada Post).
The Village also offers the opportunity to receive your notices, receipts & information by email.

The Village has enhanced customer convenience by utilizing an all-new
Customer Portal

Why sign up? Receiving your notices/receipts through the customer portal will ensure you receive bills immediately; saves the Village, and therefore ratepayers, on the cost of paper, labour & postage; and helps to reduce our environmental footprint.

Beginning in January 2024, the Village started offering this brand-new way for residents to view their Tax & Utility notices, receipts, current balances & Village communications – easier, faster, user-friendly & all in one place! No more missed emails or misplaced paper copies. Login anytime to see all your bills, balances and receipts.

All residents who are signed up for email notices will automatically be signed up for this new program.

Please take a moment to complete the Contact Details & Email/Customer Portal Authorization Form if you wish to sign up for Email Notices/Customer Portal (or if you need to update your contact information).

Paying Your Property Tax & Utility Notices

The Village accepts the following payment methods:

NEW! Interac e-Transfers now being accepted 

  • In Person

    Cash, cheque, & debit payments are accepted in the office.

    The Village Office is open Monday to Friday 9:00am–12:00pm and 1:00pm-5:00pm for cash or debit payments. Please watch for office closures during the holidays, as well as any Statutory Holidays. 
  • Online Banking

    Online banking payments are available through all the major banks and credit unions.

    Follow these steps to set up the Village so you can make a payment through your online banking institution: 

    1. Add Payee or Vendor
    2.  Search for ‘Buena Vista’
    3.  Select the appropriate account – Tax or Utilities
    4.  For Tax Payment, enter your Roll Number as it appears on your Tax Notice. (ie., Roll # 00000641 000. Use 641. Every bank requires a certain amount of digits. If your bank requires more digits add zeros in front.)
    5.  For Utilities Payment, enter your Account Number as it appears on your Utility Notice. (ie., Account # 00000641 000. Use 641. Every bank requires a certain amount of digits. If your bank requires more digits add zeros in front.)

    If you have more than one property, you must create a separate payee or vendor for each property with each Roll and/or Account Number. This will make it clear the amount of money that is being allocated to each property/account.

    It is your responsibility to ensure payments are made to the correct account. Failure to do this may mean that Taxes could be paid to your Utility account or vice versa.  Online payments can take up to 3-5 business days to be processed by the bank, so please ensure you allow plenty of time before the due date to avoid interest fees. 

  • NEW! Interac e-Transfer

    Through online banking, set up a new contact using the email admin@buenavista.ca

    *** Please do not use any other Village email. Only admin@buenavista.ca can accept e-transfers. ***

    To ensure payment is applied correctly, you must supply the following information in the message field within the e-transfer:

    • For UTILITY BILLS - Your address & account number 

    • For TAXES - Your address & roll number

    • For PERMITS - Your address & permit number

    • For INVOICES - Your name & invoice number

    • For BYLAW FINES - Your address & ticket number

    No security question is required as funds are auto-deposited directly into the Village bank account

  • After Hours Drop Box

    A drop box is located at the front entrance door of the Village Office for after hours.
    Please only place cheques in the drop slot.

  • Mail 

    Cheques are payable to "Village of Buena Vista”. 
    A cheque can be mailed to:
    1050 Grand Ave
    Buena Vista, SK  S2V 1A2

    When mailing a cheque, allow enough time before any due date to ensure that your payment is received & receipted prior to any penalties being applied to your account.

  • Credit Card

    The Village is now offering online credit card payments through PaySimply.ca, a secure, third-party Canadian payment provider.

    Visit PaySimply by clicking HERE

    • You will have three options:

    Buena Vista (Village) Taxes
    Buena Vista (Village) Utilities
    Buena Vista (Village) Building Permits

    • Choose the bill you wish to pay (taxes, utilities or building permit)

    • Enter your account details:
           Email Address
           Account Number (account # on your Utility Notice or roll # on your Tax Notice)
           Payment Amount
           Choose payment option and complete transaction

  • Please note that a $45 service charge will apply for all NSF cheques.