February 6, 2025
February 3, 2025
January 23, 2025
January 6, 2025
January 6, 2025
January 6, 2025
If you have any items to donate you can drop them off at the Village Office where we will have a collection box for them.
Cost to the children is $0.25-$5 per item.
Have a Safe and Fun Halloween!
Deadline to order is
Simply choose your colour, pick your size, add to cart and order. The Village
will contact you once it is in & ready for pick up.
Stop when you see a school bus with red flashing lights and its stop arm out. It is imperative drivers follow the law and proceed with caution around school buses. This not only keeps our children safe, it also supports our bus drivers as they do the important job of transporting students to and from school safely each day.
Heidi, Henry and Jacob worked full time for the summer & dedicated themselves to mowing, whipping, tree trimming and so much more! Ben & Adam dedicated part time hours during July working hard removing weeds at the beach, office & other park spaces, helping our Village continue to look beautiful.
As summer winds down, we say farewell as this eager and hard-working crew return to school to continue to sharpen their skills & fill their tool boxes. Our hope is that their experiences here at the Village were good ones & that we have helped to broaden their knowledge & shape their future career paths. Maybe we will see them again next summer, or maybe we will follow their careers as they take on the world!
We wish them the best of luck as they head back to school Tuesday. Heidi has returned to Calgary for her 2nd year of Psychology, and Henry, Jacob, Adam & Ben will be heading back to Lumsden High School.
As we say goodbye to the last of our summer staff today, we would like to say a BIG THANK YOU to these individuals for their contributions to the Village & to the Canada Summer Jobs for contributing funding to make these employment opportunities possible, as well as to our temporary staff member Phil, and full time crew Joel & Damon!
May 1, 2024
"PSA: please collar your cats (quick release collar or harness so they don't choke themselves!) if you allow them outside! (if you let them outside on purpose of course) This will allow us to immediately release them if the get caught up in one of our traps set for our TNR dudes!"
Visit the South Shore Cat Rescue Facebook Page by clicking HERE.